
2019/12/25 10:37:58 作者: 来源:万可电子(天津)有限公司

项目名称:  万可工业照明管理方案

WAGO Lighting Management system in industry

申报单位:  万可电子(天津)有限公司



WAGO Lighting Management is the optimum solution for new systems as well as for retrofitting. Regardless of whether small plant halls or large logistics systems, our scalability offers precisely the right concept to meet your requirements. Reduce lifecycle costs through efficient lighting management!





DALI, EnOcean and KNX as Standard Feature



系统理念 万可照明管理是成熟的方案,它基于预定义的硬件和预配置的软件,大大简化了规划、调试与运营工作。 万可照明管理方案是以仓库、生产车间和办公楼的不同照明需求为基础。例如:一个生产车间可以被划分为多个虚拟房间,以实现灵活的灯光控制。每个虚拟房间都可以独立根据传感器的信号来自动调整照度。通过Web配置界面,用户可以非常方便地重新划分虚拟房间以实现车间照明改造。

System Concept Our Concept WAGO Lighting Management is a proven concept based on predefined hardware and preconfigured software, which greatly simplifies planning, commissioning and operation. The basic idea: WAGO Lighting Management is based on the different lighting requirements in warehouses and production facilities. For example, a production facility is divided into virtual rooms in which the light can be flexibly adapted. Each virtual room receives signals  sensors and actuators in order to automatically set the appropriate light intensity. By using the virtual rooms, conversions and room remodeling can be implemented quickly and simply via Web configuration.



BMW, Beijing Benz new engine plant, Schaeffler plant in Xiangtan, Nanjing, Taicang have all adopted WAGO lighting management system, realizing the purpose of energy saving and operating cost.


该方案的核心是一个智能照明控制系统,通过使用日光传感器、人体感应传感器和精心设计的照明场景,确保在正确的时间提供恰当的照明强度。 例如: 人工照明在仓储照明领域广泛使用。但通常情况下,仓储区域的灯会在工作时间内一直亮着,尽管有时仅仅需要很短时间的照明。而通过人体感应传感器或智能控制开关,即可以在需要时才启动照明。如若无需照明,则可将其关闭或将亮度调至10%,进入standby模式。假如有一个走廊,叉车只会偶尔驶过,将照明亮度设置为10%,那么在人体感应传感器探测到车辆并启动照明之前,叉车驾驶员不会有驶入黑洞的担心。如果环境中没有外来光线,那么通过运动传感器则可完美的开关人工照明。

当激活日光控制模式的时候,系统会根据入射的自然光自动将室内灯光调节至所需最低亮度。只有在自然光线不足的情况下,人工照明才会此功能可借助亮度测量传感器实现,该传感器将测量数值传递给控制系统以增加或降低亮度。如果自然光线不断变化,那么使用时间延迟可以有效避免频繁的开关操作。这一特性意味着照明系统不必持续提供完全照明,进而可实现能源的节约。 同时也能够在房间进深较大的情况下确保持续稳定的照明水平。

The foundation is an intelligent lighting control system, which ensures the correct light is available in the right amount at the right time by using daylight sensors, presence sensors and thoughtfully programmed lighting scenarios. For example, Artificial light is frequently used for illumination of storage areas. Often the light burns for the entire work period, even though it is only required for short periods. Presence sensors or intelligent controls switch the light on only when required. Otherwise it is off, or can be dimmed by 10% in a standby mode. For example, if you have an aisle a forklift only drives into occasionally, the lighting is set to 10%, so the driver does not drive into a black hole before the presence sensor detects the vehicle as it turns into the aisle. If you do not have any incidence of extraneous light, motion sensors are perfect for switching the artificial light. A daylight circuit uses the incident daylight and automatically switches the light to a minimum illumination intensity when activated. Artificial lighting is only switched on, or is lit gradually and continuously intensified, when there is insufficient daylight. If there is enough daylight, the lighting may even be switched off completely. This is accomplished with the aid of a brightness measuring sensor, which relays the value to the control that increases or dims the light. If the presence of daylight varies, excessive switching operations can be avoided by using a time delay. This feature means the lighting does not always have to provide the full power, thus saving energy. It also ensures a constant lighting level at greater room depth (constant light illumination).


万可总部于1951年在德国明登成立。全球拥有9个生产与销售基地,包括:德国明登(1951年)、法国鲁瓦西(1971)、瑞士多米蒂德尔(1977)、美国密尔沃基(1979)、德国松德斯豪森(1990)、日本东京(1990)、印度德里(1995)以及中国天津(1997)和波兰弗罗茨瓦夫(1997)。万可致力于连接、测量、控制与互联,现有9000余名雇员,分销商网络遍布80余个国家和地区的跨国企业。 万可电子(天津)有限公司是德国万可公司于1997年在 中国武清开发区建立的具有生产制造、产品销售、技术支持及售后服务综合能力的独资子公司,下设北京、上海、广州、天津、西安、成都、沈阳、武汉、长沙、山东、南京、深圳、杭州、苏州等分公司级办事处, 现有员工1300余人。在各地拥有多家销售代理商,建立了销售与技术支持服务网络。


